Hello all. Pleased to meet you all and from what I have seen so far this is a great place to be.
I have been spending minimal time with leather till recently and want to get better. I put about 10 hours into this:
1) I had a hard time sewing the lining in with the zipper. suggestions? its just glued. :-(
2) The lacing, well I pull to hard....broke it in to many places and wasn't that good at splicing them in. Should I be using kangaroo lace?
3) And last the end cap. I used a drill bit on a dremel to make the stitching holes but what would be a good filler to use on those gaps?
I know there's more so if anyone has anything to say I'd be glad to hear it, negative or positive.
Also if wondering. I was attempting a basket weave stamp for the lower half, I have not worked with leather this thick yet and before I knew it my guide lines were off from the deep impressions I was making with my stamp. So I cut the piece in half, flipped it inside out then sanded it and dyed it with a 50/50 water/timber brown. Then I riveted it on with an inner piece slightly smaller than the one on the outside as to cover the rivets and use the concho to hide my mistake.
Thanks and nice to meet you,