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    wall art and jewellery
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  1. Hi, guys After a long time away from leather made a new tiger eye brooch all the photos are here in the album https://picasaweb.google.com/109111218232798866399/TigerEyeBrooch Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. After a long break I made another one as a Present for a friend of mine and as usual - the theme is my favourite Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his Roses Uploaded with ImageShack.us the rest of the pictures are here http://tanya-watson.livejournal.com/216328.html
  3. OK< the leather is glued to the MDF - this used to be a framed print of some sort and I took the g;ass out and the print too so I was left with a piece of MDF and a frame and just glued th e leather onto it and thats what I always do This is a sort of recycling for me as I use old frames that people do not need and leather from charity shops I consider it a very green way of reusing materials
  4. your comments are very much appreciated I think may be the golden frame is not the best for this, but the rest I like http://tanya-watson....com/182891.html in details https://picasaweb.go...hInGoldenFrame#
  5. a simple wall clock made of plastic
  6. here are some more pictures
  7. what a lovely, lovely thing!!
  8. Yep, the others are made of leather an d suede too I have been making these pics for ages and have a bit of a collection but a lot of them are given away as presents Here are some more works https://picasaweb.google.com/Talochka1276/MyLeatherwork#
  9. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. Any feedback or comments are very welcome https://lh3.googleus...40/IMG_9337.JPG http://tanya-watson.livejournal.com/179172.html Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. They are really nice and stylish! Good work!!
  12. Here is a very unusual thing for you you can watch here a slideshow of the works of the other girls I know from Russia and we organize competitions regularly and very soon we shall have another one so do not pay attention to the text and just watch there are a lot more videos on my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Tala1276#p/a/u/1/f0uiF9KVy3I http://tanya-watson.livejournal.com/125728.html
  13. this i s a typical brace;t I would make By tanya_watson at 2009-09-02 my husbands fav picture By tanya_watson at 2010-08-21 By tanya_watson at 2010-08-21 here you can see some examples of leather jewellery http://tanya-watson.livejournal.com/137412.html
  14. Here are other items I made before http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19346&st=0&p=125705&hl=tala1276&fromsearch=1entry125705
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