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  1. is there anyone on here that makes there own mallets the turned leather ones i need a handlemade would be closer to a knife handlsize if somessage me and ican tell you size etc.. thanks
  2. this site is set up for leather crafters, for those of us that do it all by hand , i dont think you will get much support from anyone here, i hand carve and hand paint allmy stuff aswell as do the artwork what you are trying to sell here kinda of dumbs down what we do
  3. here is my second seat ive done so far, simple as far as no real tooling just some lettering, but i had to built that pan and all so it took me a bit longer than i thought it would so far this is about the 8th or 10th thing ive ever done in leather thanks for looking
  4. thanks everyone for the kind words yeah it gets lost in the pics when it wraps around the case in person look realy cool, i used acylic paints the paint has been on there for about a year now with no craking or chipping
  5. hereisa pic of just the tiger
  6. artwork was done by me tooled on 9-10 oz leather then hand painted not airbrushed laced up the center this is for a pool cue case i cant even begin to tell you how many hours i have into this one i started this a long time ago and finally finished it thanks for looking
  7. i dont have an airbrush so i just did it by hand with a brush
  8. thanks i really appriciate that i will have the tiger case done tomorrow, then i have one interior left and imaydoareally elaborate dragon onthat one notsure yet wait till you see the tiger case i think youll like it thanks tg
  9. finished the seat tonight thanks for looking first seat done for a friend
  10. thanks john a appriciate that
  11. thanks guys i appriciate the kind words ill post more pics when its all finished
  12. here is a new bike seat im doing its a tibetian skull , one of my drawing , i tattooed this on the same person im making the seat for will post pics when im finished
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