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Em Brand Whips

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Everything posted by Em Brand Whips

  1. These videos may be of some help as well in tying a 6 bight pineapple knot.
  2. I uploaded a video on this the other day that might be of interest to you. Kind Regards Bernie
  3. G'day All My name is Bernie Wojcicki and I am a full time whip maker. I have been making whips full time for a living for 36 years now and can honestly say I still look forward to going to my work shop every morning and starting the days work. My wife and I live on a 50 acre bush block where we have resided for the past 29 years.Living in paradise and working at something you love doing, what more could a person ask for? Then to top it all off along comes the internet where you can meet and share information with people from all over the world. I grew up in an era when not everyone had a phone or a car and to see the way technology has advanced during my lifetime has been indescribable. I came across this forum while looking for information on raw hide braiding as I've had a few requests lately for rawhide items, and plaiting mainly with kangaroo hide decided to see what I could find. So far this forum has given me a wealth of information and I hope I can return the favor to anyone who would like to know more about whip making. Kind Regards Bernie From The Wild Western Tiers Of Tasmania Australia Where the women are strong The men good looking and the children all above average. (Garrison Keillor) http://www.em-brand-whips.com
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