Yep you are right, I oil with a good quality neetsfoot oil and set in the sun to acheive an even color (reapply if necessary) and give everything a double coat of Febings Harness Dressing. The basket stamp is a medium Barry King but it looks longer because it is stamped at an angle of approx/30 degrees. Hope this helps
Greetings all,
Those pictured here come from one of my more popular patterns. Both have Wickett&Craig 7/8oz tooling leather and both have been treated to Barry King stamping. Enjoy
Greetings all,
Just posted this Semi-skinner to my site. Its CPM 154 with the most beautiful Quilted Maple scales. The sheath is tooled and hand sewn. Thanks for looking any comments are welcome.
I am a smith,
Yes could you make a sheath with rolled edges, sure, it would be an ugly sheath. I would agree with Ellen part of building a sheath is how it looks. Building a nice sheath with a welt is easy and does not take up that much leather.
The only secret in knifemaking is "There is No Secret", I have found the majority of knifemakers will help you to improve your work. When you are ready to make those first knives just ask and I will help if I can with advice and tips. Brad
Greetings all,
I just posted these two to my web site,
Both have handstitched 7/8 oz sheaths that are tooled.
Big O,
Most sheaths are made from7/8 or 9/10 oz leather depending on the type of knife and its intended use. I have posted several knives and their sheaths here and will post two more tonight.