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Brad Johnson

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Everything posted by Brad Johnson

  1. Yep you are right, I oil with a good quality neetsfoot oil and set in the sun to acheive an even color (reapply if necessary) and give everything a double coat of Febings Harness Dressing. The basket stamp is a medium Barry King but it looks longer because it is stamped at an angle of approx/30 degrees. Hope this helps
  2. Greetings all, Those pictured here come from one of my more popular patterns. Both have Wickett&Craig 7/8oz tooling leather and both have been treated to Barry King stamping. Enjoy
  3. Two new sheaths one with Barry Kings Crazy legs stamp and the other in basketweave. The leather is W&C 8oz. Thanks in advance for looking and comments
  4. Hi Y'all! Can anyone describe how to do a rope stitch? Thanks in advance, Brad
  5. Greetings all, Just posted this Semi-skinner to my site. Its CPM 154 with the most beautiful Quilted Maple scales. The sheath is tooled and hand sewn. Thanks for looking any comments are welcome. Regards,
  6. Frank. I love your stamping, very nice! Brad
  7. I am a smith, Yes could you make a sheath with rolled edges, sure, it would be an ugly sheath. I would agree with Ellen part of building a sheath is how it looks. Building a nice sheath with a welt is easy and does not take up that much leather.
  8. Ya done real good! Excellent results for a first timer, I would not show you my first sheath Brad
  9. RWP, The only secret in knifemaking is "There is No Secret", I have found the majority of knifemakers will help you to improve your work. When you are ready to make those first knives just ask and I will help if I can with advice and tips. Brad
  10. Greetings all, I just posted these two to my web site, http://bradjohnsonknives.blademakers.com Both have handstitched 7/8 oz sheaths that are tooled. Enjoy
  11. Big O, Most sheaths are made from7/8 or 9/10 oz leather depending on the type of knife and its intended use. I have posted several knives and their sheaths here and will post two more tonight. Regards,
  12. RWP, I round and burnish the edges of my knives so it may appear that they are not together. Brad
  13. Guys/gals, I need some feedback on my work. Thats the only way I can get better. Any and all comments are welcome Brad
  14. Thanks for the compliment, if I can help or give advice just ask. Brad Johnson
  15. Aussy Lacewood is the handle material with 7/8 oz tooled sheath
  16. Quality knives and quality sheaths are displayed
  17. Tooled 7/8 oz with basketweave. The knife is CPM 154 with Buckeye burl handles
  18. Two new knives and their sheaths. Both sheaths are 7/8 oz double shoulder and hand stitched. The knives are a staghandled droppoint in D-2 and the other is a semi-skinner with premium ironwood handles in CPM 154 steel. Enjoy, Brad Johnson If you like these then come look on my new web site for others. bradjohnsonknives.blademakers.com
  19. Brad Johnson

    Knife sheaths

    Photos of sheaths and their knives
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