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Posts posted by jacotranch

  1. I have a older Hansen made in 1992 the blade needed alot of work  (get a good diamond stone and get a great finish on the flat side of the blade, the whole bottom of the blade) , and it is real important where the blade is placed over the cylinder ,(you will need to play with this a little) I saw a newer Hansen the other day  and the splitter on it looked like there was no way it would work. 

  2. yes alot of good photos , there are no secrets reveled , this is not a how to book , more of a why do it book . one theme that gets repeating is the use of proper sized strings for their porpose and proper beveling of strings, 2 things that seem to get overlooked alot theese days in my opinion . John

  3. In the late 60,s I saw cowboys dunk thier new saddles , they would put a hedge post over a water tank set the saddle on it and just soak the the stirrup fenders and leathers overnight keeping the skirts above the water next morning they would put the saddle on a stand in the shade, twist the stirrups and put a ax handle thru them to hold the twist ,let the saddle dry ,oil the fenders and leathers good then go to using them, for the first month or so every night they would set thier stirrups and stick the ax handle back thru . John Jacot

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