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Status Replies posted by Macrdhu

  1. Big smlies as returning to leatherwokr after a forced break of nearly a year

    1. Macrdhu


      oops, the excitement is obviously getting to me - leatherwork

  2. Hi everybody, my name is Steven and i'm from U.K

    1. Macrdhu


      Hi Steven, great to see another from the U.K. You'll find this place full of great info and friendly, helpful people.

  3. how do I sharpen an edge tool

    1. Macrdhu


      I use fine grain wet/dry sanding paper. Cut a trip the width of the slot in the edger and sharpen the inside edge with this.

      Sharpen the outside edge either with a sharpening stone or bigger piece of the paper, remembering to follow the curve.

      It can be a bit fiddley but saves buying a fine jewellers file or some such.

      Hope this helps

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis

    1. Macrdhu


      Sorry to hear that.I don't know if this will give any relief but my Mum found food combining helped with the symptoms of her rheumatoid Arth.

  5. Awesome stem flow on the binder by Edwards Saddle....looking for an apprentice?

    1. Macrdhu


      Agree, captivating

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