im with you on a 22 its more of a last ditch backup, I perfur a 44 or 45 myself but its not my gun and dadlikes im just trying to find a patten so i can make the holster for him
ok my pap has a jennings 22 model J22 long that he would like to carry BUT he would like to have it on his belt just behind his leatherman tool and wants the holster to look like a cell phone case. i have an idea on how to do that but since im a truck driver i cant have the gun with me to make the pattern. im hopeing that somebody here might have one that they could let me have ? thank you
i have them and have little to no problem useing them but it does take a good blow and dont let them bounce. soon as i get home next mouth ill take some pics
sounds simpel enough and ill have to see if i can make one when i get back home for my home time in the mean time ill look in weaver's site to see if i can get a look at one thank you all
ok so what is a "leather rounder"? can i get it at tandy? if not where and what does it look like? i have a few tools and am allways buy or makeing more so if i can see one i just might beable to build one