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  1. Spray product...some horses hate the hissy noise if you decide to spray around the horse. http://www.dressageextensions.com/ProductDetail.asp?KEY=14431
  2. Great! Could you sew them by hand?
  3. So after reading the number of you that recommend using a double navajo for padding, I decided to look for a couple. Unfortunately - my guy is kind of a 'hony'...pony stuff is too small, and "standard" horse stuff is too big. Not a great confo shot attached...but you can see that he doesn't have a 'stock horse' build. I HAVE found some reservation made blankets that are a) made for smaller horses (27 - 28"length range), and relatively inexpensive because they aren't fancy. However - I'd like to put wear leathers on if I would decide to buy them. Is there an 'easy' way for a non-leatherworker to do that? Or would I need to send them to somebody?
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