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    working ranch family, work at local sale barn...get payed to ride my horse! travel to sell cowgirl bling and conchos at local rodeos,horses cattle, and making what ever this working ranch family might need to do the job in style

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    still learning, just make what we need
  • Interested in learning about
    , making wooly's and how to build them
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  1. So I looked at the old catalogs at cabin creek, great! I got side tract looking at old saddles... any ways i cut me some canvas in the shape of chinks but the more i worked and tried to piece everything together i would have had so many seams... to sew & stress...so I dug out some cream colored elk hide and made a chink leg... still working on them....I'll post soon thank you every one, cowhorse
  2. Hi, I have a old black & white corona pad... they are split it the middle...laced together so you can ajust... black wool about an inch and a half thick, edge is binded with leather ...black and white tuffed wool around the side and back of the pad with a gap where your stirrup leather hangs and a leather guard where stirrup leather hangs if anyone is still looking I can take pic's of it..cowhorse
  3. Thanks, for the feed back... I going to try 10oz canvas...steveh said that some wooly's were lined with ticking... the pair I have are chinks they have a tooled leatherbelt with the belt in the back...front thong...bear fur front legs...back of fur lined in chap leather wraps around legs...step ins...five slotted conchos hold the legs together and leather fringe hangs down the outside of the leg to the bottom...like chinks...so really they are a pair of chinks with bear fur on the front of the legs... but they are heavy... ok when your on a horse... but heavy walking around...welcome any more ideas...I'll try and post a pic of the bear ones...thanks cowhorse
  4. Thank you, you are talking about cotton pillow ticking? I think i'll try the 10oz canvas...any ideas on finding old saddle catalog reprints?
  5. Hi, have a pair of wooly chinks built out of leather and bear fur...going to copy and build some out of coyote fur... some old cowboy long ago said the bear fur ones should have been lined with canvas not leather...any one know how wooly's were built traditionally? cowhorse
  6. Hi, Tandy, E leather, have a paddern for sale... for chaps... I can't remeber if it had chinks... we have about five pairs of chinks around the tack room... I going to try and copy a pair of bear fur wooly's chinks so I'm going to make a paddern out of some of the chinks I think I even have a pair of kid chinks...I could copy them for you...cowhorse
  7. Have wooly chinks made of bear fur and leather lined with fringe hanging under the hide... long time ago cowboy friend said they should have been built out of canvas with the fur on top of canvas, leather top and then leather fringe on bottom...something about thats the way they were built long ago...tradition...going to build some out of coyote fur any ideas?

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