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Rich Dee

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Everything posted by Rich Dee

  1. I have seen some solo seats with inserts and like the looks of them..The braided inserts are what i am interested in. I need a little help as to how the insert is laid out..From the pics I have looked at ,the insert appears to overlap lap and one hole in the insert and two in the part it is attached to.
  2. I am making a couple of solo seats..I am not sure if I need to glue the leather to the foam.
  3. I am making a couple of small solo seats..I will be braiding the bottom and top together..I read in one of the posts that the top half need to be about 3/8 in. larger than the pan. Is 3/8 in about right for the bottom section..
  4. David ,I read in one of your posts that you use 1/4in lace . About how many yards of lace does it take for one of your seats..Thanks..
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