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About HOBL

  • Birthday 11/09/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Braiding, Knots, BDSM toys, Jewelry, Carving, Stamping

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New Member (1/4)

  1. Hide House is good. I've had trouble with the two hides I purchased from Weaver Leather. One directly and one through Ohio Travel Bag. Both were under the stated weights. I'd highly recommend that you check them upon receipt. They'll eventually correct them, but it takes forever and I found their customer service underwhelming.
  2. I read this thread with great interest since I was in the middle of designing my own business cards. I am hoping that I found a compromise and was wondering what other's thoughts were. My cards I think I would eventually want to get something that is glossier but this is okay with me for now. Thanks in advance for any input - Brian
  3. HOBL

    My first

  4. HOBL

    Birds Eye Braid

    I was wondering if anyone could provide me with the sequence for the birds eye braid. If possible, in both 12 and 16 plait. Also, if anyone knows of any online sites that have sequences for other fancy braids. I appreciate any help - Brian Sorry I forgot about this link: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=21796 The only problem there is that I can't get that to work for me. How do you set the colors up along the top? Also. do you go from the right side two plaits, then from the left two plaits?
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