I've been working on making a stitching pony over the last couple of days and I've gotten to the point where I need to pad the jaws with leather. After looking at many of the ponies and horses available here, it seems like the leather sleeve approach is the one I'd like to try for.
From those people who have gone this route, or known others who have, is it best to try and wet form the leather AND then adhere it in some manner (epoxy, upholstery tacks, sewn) or can the wet forming be omitted and leather just be cut and tacked in place?
I haven't had any experience with upholstery tacks so if you could tell me a little bit about the proper use and technique I sure would appreciate it! (As well as where they can be found, the local walmort carried a few bags but they were UGLY!) Most likely because I was looking for a very small and simple style and the large faux gold ones didn't quite fit that category.
I'm getting anxious to finally start stitching on this thing--and I'm sure you guys and gals will have the advice I need to get all finished up!