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Posts posted by Bullshank

  1. Hey guys and gals. I am new to leatherworking. I have been doing plaiting for less than a year making whips, but all out of parachute cord. I recently purchased some kangaroo hides and want to dye them a darker brown. I have read alot of dyeing procedures and it says oil before you dye. Most use neatsfoot oil. Now i remember reading somewhere under taking care of your whip to not use neatsfoot or any light oils as this will loosen the strands. Is this only AFTER the whip is plaited? Or does that mean never using neatsfoot at any stage of production. I was wondering if treating with pecard's or some other thicker product would work. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Hello all,

    I am brand new to the forum and new to the leatherworking arts. To be honest i have only been making whips after much research and reading. I have to thank Bernie from em-brand whips for almost everything i know. However thus far, i have only been working with parachute cord. While the whips are nice looking and usable, I really want to get into doing real leather work. That being said, of course i would love to transfer over to using roo but availability and price seem to be playing a factor in this. I would rather make a few of them out of cow leather before i switch to the expensive stuff. I have looked at some leather suppliers and they have chrome tanned, vegetable tanned, hybrid chrome THEN vegetable tanned, and im sure countless other methods. My question is, which type of tan do i need to use or steer clear of? Is vegetable tanned what i should be using? I just am not sure. I went to a local shop up here in Palmer Alaska and he told me chrome tanned is what i would probably want to use for whip making, but he also said he had near no knowledge of bullwhip construction so don't take his advice to the bank. Could anyone help? The supplier i am probably going to go with is siegel of california as their prices seem very reasonable. Thanks in advance.



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