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Everything posted by jmb

  1. jmb

    Buffalo Skull

    Thank you. Initially, I thought I would apply paint and antique finish but I'm not sure anymore and find it interesting like that.
  2. jmb

    Buffalo Skull

    It has been a long time since I haven't post something on this forum. Here is a buffalo skull I made from a drawing taken on internet. Jean-Marc
  3. jmb

    3D Aspect

    Thanks a lot for all these advises that I will try to apply.
  4. jmb

    3D Aspect

    Thanks for your advices. In order to illustrate what I said about my work, here are some examples of what I do.
  5. jmb

    3D Aspect

    Hello, I practice leathercarving (flowers, faces, animals, ....) and, when I look at the result, it hasn't enough depth or 3D aspect compared with what I can see on this forum for example. What can improve this ? What can be the reason of this lack of depth : dampening of the leather, how I hit with the mallet ?
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