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Everything posted by mjzae

  1. All the tools that you see in the pictures are for sale. I am not an expert on these by any means. Many of the ones with the brown handles are marked “C.S. Osborne”. You won’t be disappointed. $300 00 for all the tools. (38 tools and then some punches) It can’t attach my pictures. Email me and I will send you the pictures. Mike 703-304-6745
  2. Hi everyone. This leather tool is on eBay. What is the official name of this tool and what is it for? I am a collector and not a leather worker, and I only collect tools made by Gomph, Did Gomph make tools like this one? Thanks so much, Mike Zaetta
  3. For Sale: Antique loop vise or press. Very heavy, high quality piece. You won't be disappointed.$200.00 Mike 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com
  4. My pics are to large to attach to this email. What is your actual email and I can send you some photos
  5. I collect antique harness making tools that are made by Gomph. I bought (3) unusual tools today. . 1. Double crupper maker 2. Box keeper press 3. Bridle winter mold, i am looking for information. Are these unusual and collectible or pretty common? Are these the official names? I am looking for all the information I can learn. I can send pictures on request. Thanks a lot, Mike Zaetta
  6. I have this "stitching pony" and I am trying to determine the country of origin or patent info, etc.... Is has both a hinge on it, and a tensioner in the middle. Does that mean it is probably from America vs english or european, etc.... Someone mentioned to me that the english pieces generally did not have a hinge. Thanks alot in advance. Mike
  7. I have this collection of leather working tools for sale. What you see is what you get. Some of the tools are marked "Osborne" but the markings are rubbed quite badly. **Free shipping in the continental U.S. $100 for everything in the pictures. Mike. 703-304-6745. mzaetta@yahoo.com
  8. Engine1leather - can you please send me your email, and I will send you lots of photos
  9. I have a collection of hand tools for sale. The wheels are all Various sizes, the of the creasers is a triple edger, and one is a single edgers. The tools are all in good shape, and everything is priced to be sold. I also have a large collection of punches for sale. Mike 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com **Please email me and I will send you pictures,.
  10. I have a collection of hand tools for sale. The wheels are all Various sizes, the of the creasers is a triple edger, and one is a single edgers. The tools are all in good shape, and everything is priced to be sold. I also have a large collection of punches for sale. Mike 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com **Please email me and I will send you pictures,.
  11. I have these (3) Gomph channelers for sale. All in great shape. $100 and free shipping in the continental U.S. (Website says the pic I have is to big to upload. Send me your email and I will forward you the pic. You won't be disappointed) Mike 703-304-6745
  12. I have for sale antique bridle rosettes that were used by the U.S. military. The condition is excellent and you won't be disappointed. The are perfect to be used or displayed. You won't be disappointed. This consists of (5) pairs of antique bridle rosettes, and (3) old U.S. harness buttons.. All is displayed on a patent leather piece. $250.00 for everything and free shipping in the continental U.S. Please email me with all questions and concerns. Mike Zaetta 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com
  13. I have for sale a small collection of leather working tools. 8 of the 10 tools are Gomph. The other (2) tools are saddle pliers from Osborne. All the tools are really nice shape. I can send pics and complete details. Mike 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com
  14. Troy, will an acrylic matte spray change the color or the black leather or the metal decoration on the harness? What is a name of acrylic matte spray that you use?
  15. Hello everyone, I collect the antique leather horse harness and the silver monograms that were placed on them. I have (3) pieces of bridles with a monogram that I want to very thoroughly clean and then have framed for display. Question: Is there a clean spray or lacquer that I can spray on the leather to preserve it while it is framed so it will retain it's cleaned look over the years? I certainly don't want mold or anything to grow on it. The leather is over 100 years old and the varnish on it has alligators giving it a wonderful look. I just want to preserve it. Thanks a lot, Mike 703-304-6745
  16. I have a collection of tools by Gomph. I have found some duplicates where one piece has a better quality blade or handle, etc... I live in Northern VA and I will be in the York, Harrisburg, Lancaster areas of PA this weekend. I am looking for recommendations of someone I can visit who can help swap out the blade, etc... and make the best quality tool. (Swapping out parts on exact duplicates) Thanks a lot, Mike Zaetta 703-304-6745
  17. Hi everyone, I have a collection of leather working tools made by Gomph. I only want to have best example of each piece in my collection. I have noticed I have some duplicates, or one piece has a better blade and another has better handle. Is there anyone that is well respected in the York, Harrisburg, or Lancaster areas of PA that could help me swap out a handle or blade on duplicate parts to make the best example. I live in the DC area, and will be traveling through Baltimore, so someone in they area would work as well. Thanks a lot, Mike Zaetta 703-304-6745
  18. Hello, I have a small collection of antique leather working tools. I am looking to buy more tools. I am only interested in tools that are marked "Gomph" I am not interested in tools with replaced handles, etc... Just nice clean original piece. Please email me directly at mzaetta@yahoo.com or 703-304-6745 Mike
  19. Hi everyone, I have a small collection of antique leather working tools all by Gomph. I am not a leather worker, by any means, but collect horse drawn carriages and accessories, but I enjoy the tools as they are what a harness maker would have in the shop. I want to have the finest example of each tool, and noticed in my collection I have some exact duplicates. In some cases, the metal part is better on one of the tools, and the handle is better on the other. Is there any way, that I can send the tools to someone who can take the better part of each tool and make one very high quality tool. Thanks alot, Mike Zaetta 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com
  20. Hi everyone, I have a collection of antique tools by Gomph. I have a couple duplicate copies of tools, (exact same tool, markings, etc...) and in some situations, the handle is the stronger part on one tool, and the metal part is stronger on the other. Is there anyone that is able to marry the 2 strong parts, to make the best quality tool. Thanks alot, Mike
  21. I have for sale a wood and brass handled strap cutter that you can still make out that it is an "Osborne" I also have for sale a wooden handle tool with a little wheel with spikes. Someone told me that this is where you mark where the stitches will go. I would like to sell the tools as a pair. $85.00 and I will cover the shipping in the continental U.S. You won't be disappointed.
  22. Hi guys, I bought a grouping of leather working tools and these 2 tools were included? 1. Are they leather working tools? 2. What is their name? 3. What is the approximate value? (I do not see any markings on them) Thanks alot, and yes I am interested in selling them if someone is interested. Mike Zaetta
  23. I have for sale an antique strap cutter by Osborne. Very nice condition. The piece has a wood and brass handle. You will not be disappointed. Mike 703-304-6745 mzaetta@yahoo.com $130.00 and I will pay the shipping in the continental U.S.
  24. Hi everyone, I have for sale 2 antique draw knives. Both are marked "C.S. Osborne. Newark, NJ" Both are in very nice shape. $50.00 each. I also have 2 arch punches for sale both by Osborne. 11/16 & 3/4. $10.00 each. Please let me know if their is any interest. I can send pictures and complete details. Mike Zaetta
  25. Hi everyone, A gentleman contacted me with this tool for sale. He says it is a vise to hold leather when sewing. I am more famailar with the traditional leather working benches and vises. I was concerned that it is not for sewing leather, because the brass clamp on the top has some small teeth, and I thought it would scratch the leather. What does everyone know about this tool? Is is a leather working tool? Approximate value? He describes it as " It is beautifully made, both metal work and wooden turned base. Stands 31.5" high. Pedal on base opens and closes brass toothed clamp" Thanks alot, Mike Zaetta
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