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Everything posted by web

  1. Thanks Bruce, the reply has helped and got me started. I've been a rawhider for a few years so most of my splitting hAS consistied of thining strings and lace. I know from experience that the final product depends on the quality of those inicial cuts. That inturn depends on the sharpness and quality of your tools. Have tried to "touch up" the blade in the past, but sometimes think i've made it worse. Thanks for to info.
  2. Have seen lots of good posts and videos on the sharpening and honing of everything from head knives, jack knives, kitchen knives right up to chisels and plane blades. Just wondering if anyone has a prefered method of keeping leather splitter blades in shape.
  3. Thanks.... Try and bear with and old cowboy trying to figure out this computer suff.

  4. Have obtained a treadle Landis model 5184 sewing machine and starting to learn tne basics of stitching and carving. I have been rawhide and leather braiding for several years, but am excited about expanding my involvement in the "leather arts"

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