I have bought from W&C for over a year... always was satisifed with the Skirting I bought. BUT... I always bought BIG and had it split to the size I really wanted! So, I ordered in November or early december, a few English Bridle BACKS. I ordered 10-12 oz. The black one was very nice, avg weight throughout was 10.5 - 11... nice. The chestnut they sent was 8.5-9.... maybe the heaviest was 9.75... NOT good. Sadly, I had run it through a strap cutter before I realized the chestnut was way undersized. I was told "sorry, we'll give you a discount next time"... oh, super. ha ha
So..... 3 weeks later I go for 3 hides.... this time, I got a huge discount... $20 off! woo hoo!! and all three hides were WAY undersized and...... instead of backs, they were sides. I get my backs with a straight edge down the bone as they say.... these came with a straight edge down the bone all right, but they were then 4 feet wide.... that's a purty big steer! Sizes went from 6.25 to 11.... mostly in the 8.5 range.... It's not even worth the time to call... I'll hear the same BS.... "we'll give you a discount next time".. WTF?
So, anyone have any good recommendations for English Bridle Backs? I'm done with W&C...... I hope their business hurts as much as they are hurting mine. Hard to fill orderes when your supplier blows.