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About Abraided

  • Birthday 05/17/1970

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Braiding / Whipmaking

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  1. I've begun uploading a few pictures of some of my whips and I hope to be involved more frequently in the 'how to' forums. I've been braiding for a few years now and in 2009 won the Blue Ribbon at the Kentucky State fair in the leather braiding category. While I do all kinds of various and custom braiding, my primary interest is in making whips. Ideally, I look to improve with every piece I make and I hope to not only improve my techniques but also refine my construction methods so that my whips continue to improve.
  2. Abraided


    As a braider, my main interest is in making custom whips. This gallery shows some of my work.
  3. welcome to the site

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