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Ola Lindberg

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About Ola Lindberg

  • Birthday 09/05/1975

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  • Interests
    Historically inspired crafts

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing machines
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I bought some tools at a flea market today. I’m not 100% sure about one of them, but I think it’s a grooving tool for shoemaking. Can anybody enlighten me?
  2. I Know a little bit more about the machine now, after we tested it when collecting it. The reverse function doesn’t work properly, so the previous owners just disconnected that pedal. It’s also unclear if the needle positioning is working properly. So I guess that means I need to bring in a service company to get it in order. Would you say that affects the value of the machine?
  3. Thanks for all the help! Now back to the matter of the value. What would be a reasonable price for a machine like this? As a private deal, not dealer-price.
  4. I am collecting a sewing machine at a friend’s place. I am unsure of the brand, and what is a reasonable price for it. The brand is The Inge Company, model 144A305. It’s equipped with Variostop. Anyone have any useful thoughts on that?
  5. I have a chinese servo motor but no manual. Anybody have any experience in how to operate such things? I need to make it turn counter-clockwise.
  6. Is there a list of logotypes used by tool makers available anywhere? I need to identify a couple of tools I recently picked up from an old shoe maker workshop.
  7. I just bought an old sewing machine, a Singer 51W100. The instructions manual is missing though. Does anyone know where I can download one, preferrably for free?
  8. I´m looking for some sort of manual or other instructions on how to work with a half-round knife. Can anybody help me?
  9. Thanks. I hope to find some information about a Junker & Ruh SD 28 here. That´s how I discovered the forum, i googled for a manual for it. What I need to know now is where to find spare parts.

  10. welcome to the site..Ola..

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