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  • Location
    Lancaster pa
  • Interests
    Leather Mug Making, Hat Making, Classical Fencing, Theatre

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather Mugs
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  1. Hello from Lancaster PA. I posted hats first... leather will be on its way soon http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=gallery&module=user&user=14784&do=view_album&album=376 Sincerely MOrgan Shea Blackleaf Leather
  2. Eureka.... Attempt #4 is a success! A few minoe adjustments, and I'll be in good shape!
  3. Killed another prototpe this afternoon, but got very close to a working template. I ran into problems towards the bottom of the form. Due to its "bell" shape and flairing at the bottom I am having a hang of a time the leather to stretch down over after sewing the handle and seam. This would all be a non-issue if I would just break down and do a straight walled cylinder styled mug. I've come to the conclusion that I have been trying too hard to cut the leather to a shape that will perfectly fit over the wooden form like a glove. Right now i have the circumferances pretty good... so my next I dea is to leave the leather long. I'm aiming for a 6 inch tall mug. so next instead of cutting a template straight across the bottom I will attempt an arch from handle to handle, widening towards the center of the template to compensate for stretch, and just trim the excess at the top and bottom.
  4. Measured out another template today, and tried again. This time it was way too big. My guess is that the next one will be quite right. The first prototype was salvagable with the use of a wooden bottom. The second I will probably decontruct and attempt so salvage something out of it. Cheers Morgan Shea Blackleaf Leather
  5. Blackleaf

    Mugs and Hats

  6. Yep... we hats in addition to leather mugs. Late 1600's to colonial to western. Thanks for the shout out!
  7. "THE MUG BOTTOM IS LARGER THAN THE TOP....STRECH THE LEATHER AROUND THE TEMPLATE AND WHEN IT IS DRY....KNOCK IT OUT....THEN PUT THE BOTTON IN AND SEW...." That much I get and can easily do... it is the initial figuring out of the measurements (top middle bottom), and how to configure the handle on either end of the leather (so it can be sewn) and still come out right when stretched over the form. I know it is just a mental block on spacial relations. It is going to mean more prototypes than I hoped for. I forget how many I made back in 95 when i did my initial jump into mugs. Cheers MorganShea http://BlackLeafLeather.com
  8. I have the wooden forms to build the bodies to stretch the leather over and the wooden dies to form the leather bottom. I'm just having trouble figuring how best totemplate the leather itself over a slightly bell shaped pice of wood. I thought if I looked at som other templates it might put me in the right direction. Thanks Morgan Shea PS. What's a PM?
  9. welcome to the site

  10. Hello New to the forum.... I am looking for patterns for All Leather Jacks (Mugs) like are sold at Williamsburg. I have been making nonhistorical leather mugs since 95, and would like to move my mugs more toward the historical market. Sincerely Morgan Shea Blackleaf Leather
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