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Posts posted by morb

  1. Ah, found a photo. This is the style I was talking about in the PM. If your interested, I'll dig out the drawings I have and add some text and post it for you.

    Yeah, that's me back when I was younger and had all my hair.


    That's pretty cool. I've been thinking about doing that style with coyote

  2. my breast collar has the ring in center, i'm not sure what kind of collar it is i copied my friends here is a pic of it http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=54753&hl=morb#entry350882

    when i attach it to the rigging d's it comes around in front of her shoulders and when i attach it to the swells it seems too high and the ring sits higher than the center of her chest. i don't know if any of this makes sense i'll take some pics of it on her

  3. just wondering what's the best way to add d rings to a saddle? I have tried to attach my breast collar to the rigging d's but it seems too low and when I attach it to the swells it seems too high. Do you just attach them under the concho?


    not sure what happened but I post this question 3 times, how can I delete the other 2?

  4. Here's a breast collar I made for my horse. The pictures aren't great, I just have the camera on my phone. The dark colour is a stain made with coffee. It's a real dark brown that doesn't really show well in the pics.
    I did the stitching by hand and carved the horse head.

    This is the first one I ever made, my daughter wants one for her horse so I'm hoping it turns out even better






  5. The steel wool is supposed to make the dye darker, not sure how or why. Like I said, I'm going to try a batch without it and see if it makes a difference.

    The batch I'm using now it starting to mold, I read if you put rubbing alchol in it that it will stop the mold then cook it off before you use it again.

    I saw a website that discussed coffee and vinagroon but I'n not sure where it was, if I can find it again I'll post the link for you.

  6. I'm making a breast collar and used coffee to dye it, it worked really well. I bought a pound of the cheapest dark roast I could find, put it in a big pot and filled the pot about half full of water. I put in a peice of steel wool then brought it to a boil then let it simmer till it was reduced by half.

    I then used scraps to experiment with and let them soak for various times. I finally settled with 24 hours, it came out a very dark brown almost black. I realy like the color, next batch I make I'm going to leave out the steel wool and see if it will make a lighter brown.

  7. Thanks for the replies. I tried soaking the fenders in water with some mild soap then cleaned with saddle soap and oiled with a conditioner but it didn't really do much.

    I looked that book up on amazon and it's nearly 500$, I'll check the library and see if they have it.

    It's not an expensive saddle so perhaps I'll try my hand at making new fenders once I've finished my breast collar.

    I'll try some different things with the old ones and see what happens. I may try the method in the link if I can find the stuff it calls for, if I have success I'll post it.

    Thanks again.

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