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Everything posted by morb

  1. morb

    First Attempt

    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about beveling the wrong side of the cheek, I didn't notice that till you pointed it out. I'm going to do a few more practice peices and work on the beveling and shading some more.
  2. This is my first attempt at figure carving on a peice of scrap. What do all think?
  3. Hi I just got an older roping saddle from a guy at work. it's in pretty good shape, other than it needs a good cleaning. The fenders are my biggest concern, they have years of dirt and sweat built up from about mid fender down making them darker and stiffer than the rest of the fender. I have been reading the other posts about cleaning and one in particular says to remove the part to be cleaned and soak it in warm water and soap while scrubbing it clean, then use saddle soap and neats foot oil. has anyone used this method? or is there another way to get the fenders back in shape? Thanks Ron
  4. I put the gun in a bag and holstered it and was able to mold that indent out. It fits great now, still holds it tight but much easier to remove. Thanks for the tips guys
  5. I hoping to do some shooting in IPSC this year, there is a club 1 1/2 hours from here that competes. I'm just waiting for one of the club members to send me some info on how to get started and give my CZ a good work out
  6. Thanks for the replies. the gun fits very tight in the holster, I'm gonna moisten it a bit to make a wee bit looser but now with the trigger molded the way it is would it be possible to wet it again then cut the mag release out and remold it again?
  7. Thanks for the replies. the gun fits very tight in the holster, I'm gonna moisten it a bit to make a wee bit looser but now with the trigger molded the way it is would it be possible to wet it again then cut the mag release out and remold it again?
  8. Thanks. Yes the cz is a really good sidearm, I'm finding that out every time I take to the range, it's just a great gun.
  9. Thanks Particle, i didn't realize how much the leather shrunk when it dried, I'll have to be more careful next time. By the way, I did this one by watching your Youtube video. Thank you for making a great video your work is awsome
  10. Well I finally got around to making my second holster for my CZ 9mm. It has few flaws but I'm happy how it turned out, I need to work on my burnishing and boning. I'm gonna try again see if I can't make it better.
  11. I'll try that. Thanks
  12. Thanks Denster. I colored it with vinagaroon, it came out black as pitch but now that it's dry it's kind of a dark grey...I like it. I'm planning on getting a cap and ball revolver, can't wait to make another one lol
  13. Well I got my leather the other day, Tandy sent me a pretty nice piece and a crappy one. I decided to make a cowboy holster for my old .22 six shooter with the crappy one, I will try the avenger for my 9mil later. It turned out Ok considering this was my first real leather project, until now I just been playing with scraps. I learned quite a bit on this one, made a few mistakes and need to work on my tooling. here are a couple pics.
  14. What size edge beveler should I use for my holster?
  15. Thanks for the tip Dwight. I'm in Canada and the only places I can find are Tandy and Halfords, are there any other Canadians here that know of any other sources?
  16. Thanks Tom. I would like to go to the store myself but it is 4 hrs away, not a whole lot of choices for leather around here.
  17. Hi Tandy has a sale on single shoulders. I want to make an avenger type holster for my CZ 85 and mag pouches, is 6/7 heavy enough for this? Thanks Ron
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