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  • Interests
    Leather and cattle

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    saddles and chaps
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  1. The look real good, when do you plan on having onother batch? I have been looking for a new tree and sure like the way these are put together. are the rivets counter sunk enuff on the bottem to alow room to file the bars for fitting?
  2. Sheridan is always a good time. I took the whole family out this year. it takes a full year to get the pocketbook back in shape after a week end out there.
  3. Hello I am from north west South Dakota. I am the 5th generation on our family ranch. I started doing leather work about 18 years ago but only in my spare time witch aint much on a ranch.I make mostly chaps but have made a few saddles, and alot of misc stuff.
  4. I am new to this site and not sure if this is in the rite place or not. I am looking for a wood tool box for my carving/stamping tools. If any one knows where to get them or if someone builds them please let me know. Thanks
  5. welcome to the site

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