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Posts posted by Dreadly

  1. I am trying to design a pattern for my motorcycle seat. I have a few woman on the bike so I thought I would carry that "theme" into the seat.

    The picture entitled 'picture in question' is the picture I'd like to know if it can be done keeping it simple just as the drawing.

    I have also attached a drawing called 'picture in design' in how the design for the seat sits currently.

    Being my first leather tooling and seat design, looking for those with experience to throw any thoughts or ideas they may have.



  2. I'm not sure I can explain this well enough, . . . but if it were mine, . . . for my bike, . . . I'd do a little bit more braiding (see middle photo) on the inside of the lever where your hands do not touch, . . . bringing that out past the knob.

    I would then very carefully pull all the strands together with the lever in a padded vise, . . . taking care to see that the strands aren't just a gob, . . . but pulled together in a logical sequence, . . . and I would then use black waxed linen or black waxed polyester thread, . . . and use a "Whipping" technique that is usually used to secure the ends of ropes.

    I would "whip" it for about an inch or so, . . . then get on the internet and learn how to do a turk's head type knot. You can do a small turk's head over the whipping to cover it, . . . and another at the other end of the lever. Do them with a spool of black leather lace from Tandy's. That will let the rest of the strands hang down from your handlebars and look cool parked, . . . and beat the heck out of your bare arms as you tool down the asphalt at 60 thumbsup.gif

    By the way, . . . get a 1/2 or 5/8 inch dowel and practice your turk's head, . . . and don't scream/cuss/cry about the first one, . . . it'll be ugly, lopsided, and a few other things. But a little practice and you will like it.

    May God bless,


    Dwight ... I appreciate that. I will give this technique a go!

  3. My first post. I've read quite a few threads and can't decide how to finish braiding my levers. This is my very first attempt, but see many other leather projects in my future for my motorcycle.

    Can anyone give me direction on how to finish this braid please?




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