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  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 02/26/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Transfer, PA
  • Interests
    Whip making, Whip cracking, Leather braiding, being outside in the fresh air, reading, listening to music, playing my didgeridoo...

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Whip Maker, Leather braiding

About Me


My name is Nick Ammann, I am 32 years old and I am a self taught Whip Maker and have been braiding Leather for over 6 years now. I have always liked the arts and crafts and have been into various arts throughout my entire school career but I had never imagined that I would ever be making what I handcraft now. It was all because of 1 movie... yes Indiana Jones - (Raiders of The Lost Ark). I remember seeing this movie when I was very young but at the time I was too young to know what a bullwhip was but for some reason I always wanted to have one. The years went by and I had the oppurtunity to purchase an Indiana Jones style bullwhip from a professional whipmaker back in 2005 and it all started from there. I was curious on how the thing was made, so instead of taking apart this beautiful creation I found a couple books on the subject and luckily enough the books were enough for me to figure out what made these things crack. I started off with a basic 4 plait redhide stock whip kit that was all ready to piece together and with the help of the books which included full diagrams I was able to make my very first whip, of course my hands and fingers did'nt forgive me for a couple weeks after that! But I couldn't stop I guess it sort of became my obsession in a way. So anyway for the past 14 years I have worked various jobs for other individuals and for the past 6 years I have been also teaching myself everything I could learn on the whipmaking and leather braiding subject so that I may become a great and succesful business owner and teach others about the Art of whipmaking and leather braiding.

Take care,


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