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Everything posted by bggin81

  1. bggin81

    Bw Stamp Maker?

    Thanks Bruce, I sent Lonnie at Hackbarth a msg, they are sending me a catalog. thanks for everyones replies.
  2. bggin81

    Bw Stamp Maker?

    Anyone know who makes this stamp? I have checked With BK and it's not him. Thanks, Biggin
  3. So, I decided that I was bitten by the leather bug. I went out and bought el' cheapo tool set to start, and even scored a piece of free granite. I am learning the basics, and tooled my first piece tonight, it's nothing to crow about. But hey, I know that practice is the key! I was wondering how do I keep my project from sliding on the granite when I tool? I know that I need to be able to move it around to work on it. Any guru's that can help, I appreciate it. Many Thanks, Andy "Biggin"
  4. Hi, I am new to the forum. Thanks for all the great advice so far! I can acquire a singer 331K104 for cheap, I want to use this to sew belts up to 9oz thick. Can this machine do this? I have read the other articles, and they were helpful but if I can save some money for now I would like to. Thanks, Andy
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