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  1. I talked to my parents this last week about getting into leather working, and it turns out that my Mom still had all the tools from when I was a kid with no plans to use them in the near future. She was perfectly happy to agree to send them to me once she locates the box that they're squirreled away in. So hopefully I'll have most of the tools I need to get started in the next few months!
  2. It looks like I'll be getting the sling hooks from Tom, so now I just need to figure out where I'll be buying everything else from after I finalize my list of what to buy. I've been doing a lot of reading on the forum and it seems that Tandy Leather is not recommended as a source. I've requested a current catalog from S-T Leather Co. since they were recommended to someone else in a recent thread. I'll do some more reading to see if I can find any place else I should check out.
  3. I tried to send you a PMs, but I'm getting an error that you are unable to use the messenger system. There is a checkbox in the Personal Settings that disables PMs.
  4. Thank you Billsotx for you help. The hook that you pictured in the link is similar, but not quite what I'm looking for. I did do some additional searching for a frog hook and found a picture that shows some hardware that may be exactly what I'm looking for. Take a look at the picture in the third post in this link to see what I'm talking about. It shows both the hooks and the ring that are on the adjustable part of my friends belt. I'm not sure from the context of the post, but it appears that it is the frog hook that you suggested?
  5. I had a brief exposure to leather working when I was a child. I've decided to give it another try and I'm working on figuring out what I need to get started. So far I've purchased the "Leatherwork Manual" and that's it. For my first project I'd like to make an adjustable belt like the one a friend of mine has. It has a name for the type of belt which I can't remember, but I'd like to surprise him so I'm trying to figure it out on my own. I'm having a hard time finding the necessary hardware. Basically there are two lengths of leather. One has the belt buckle on one end and a pair of hooks at the other. The other has a metal loop at one end with a parallel line of holes for the size adjustments and the other end has the holes for the buckle. Does anyone have any idea what this type of belt is called or where I could find the necessary hardware? For this project I believe I would need to purchase the following: Work surface (special rubber mat to protect table and tools) Steel Ruler Beveled and/or Trim Knife Mallet Punch Set (holes for hooks and buckle) Leather (scrap to practice with and good for project) Am I missing any of the basic tools that I would need?
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