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Everything posted by oklacowboy

  1. Has anyone use the Fit to be seen system by Steele Saddle Trees? I was just wondering is this system really worked; and if it is better than just ordering mass made trees. http://www.steelesaddletreellc.com/FTTH.html
  2. Saddle fit and tree fit are two very contested topics. I feel like there are alot of gimmicks and everyone has their own idea of what is correct. I was wondering is there are some good references on this topic; books, web sites, articles ect.?
  3. I am looking for the metal part with rings that you use to make three ring binders. Right now I take apart binders from the office supply store, but I would like to save time and just be able to buy the metal part by itself.
  4. Thanks so much for the info. I am going to pull the liner off and try again with your tips. Boone
  5. I am not a beginer but I am also no a pro. I am looking for a floral carving video that falls in that range. Somthing that goes beyond basic tips. Any suggestions?
  6. I recently completed this day planner. I skived down the center where it bends and I used the v-gouge to make crease lines. I also skived down the lining leather in the center to help it bend easily. I have two questions. First what is the best way to keep the center or the spine from wrinkling once the binder is finished. I think I may be used the wrong glue. Second question: what do I need to do to make the binder stay closed all the time? I am wondering if I need to take more off skiving or if I need to add a snap closure. I am just looking for any suggestions I can try to make my projects better. binder1.bmp binder2.bmp
  7. The chair not made by John Ivy was made by this maker: http://www.classicleatherdesigns.com/homedecor.html.
  8. I knew who made the final leather covered chairs. i just noticed that several leather shops sell the wood chairs with their leather on them and I wanted to find who supplies them with the wood chairs.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions, I am going to lowes today.
  10. I am looking for director’s chairs like in the photos I have attached. I would really like to find someone I can buy them from without leather so that I can finish them out. I have looked everywhere and I cannot find them. I appreciate any help anyone can offer in finding them.
  11. I am looking for an oak leaf stamp. I do not want the small cheap ones from tandy. I would like to find the larger ones used on saddle tooling. I know they exist because I have seen them at a saddle shop I just can not find them for myself. If anyone can tell me where to find them I would greatly appreciate it.
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