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Everything posted by shug

  1. thanks for that,i will look it up asap,i like the colour produced by vinegaroon(great word)and I do like using traditional methods .thanks again.
  2. are water based dyes as good as oil based? also,i have experimented with iron scrap and vinegar,and while producing a good colour,i wonder if the vinegar harms the leather in the long run?
  3. thanks for the replies,some very useful advice I will take on board.it,s nice to talk to people with similar interests .I am also interested in making traditional archery tackle,i have made longbows in the past and would like to talk to anyone with views on this subject.looking forward to ideas.thanks again to ramblinrovers and Dwight for making me feel welcome and the encouraging comments. only a fool lands on his feet,the wise man lands on someone elses.
  4. hi,i am looking for holster gun formers in the uk.it is only a hobby so funds are low and advice is welcome.i enjoy my hobby though I realise my attempts are amateurish but I learn more with each project so with that in mind I have included some photos of my work and would appreciate input and advice,especially on how to obtain gun moulds.also I fancy making a western style gun slip for a 1/2 scale static Winchester I am making and would like pictures etc on how they were constructed,leather type and weight etc.looking forward to talking to people and hoping to learn something new.thanks.
  5. hi,i am new to holster making and am having problems finding reasonably priced non guns for wet forming holsters in the uk.if anyone knows of a good source please let me know.thanks,mark
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