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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Great State of Texas.
  • Interests
    Leathercraft, Hunting, Fishing, Riding Motorcycles and Dirtbikes, Camping, Playing with my Dogs, Cooking, Building Stuff.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    SASS equipment.
  • Interested in learning about
    Making Cell Phone Holders and Shoes/Flipflops

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  1. Wait a second...Is the world supposed to end at 6pm eastern or centeral? I don't want to miss greys anatomy.

    1. Leather Bum

      Leather Bum

      I'm not sure if the earthquakes were supposed to begin at 6 pm the 20th or the 21st. Either way, both those days have passed by now without the predicted earthquakes. . .

  2. Hey Guys. A buddy of mine wants some elk moccasins, but he wants them in a sort of burnt orange color...Is it possible to dye/stain this Golden Elk into this color. Thanks,
  3. Where can I buy a model 1911 dummy gun? Thanks
  4. Don't wanna sound stupid, but what exactly is a "bracer"?
  5. Thank you for the response. It definitely helped.
  6. Hey Guys. Been tryino figure out how to make walnut dye. Can yall give me some instructions. Thanks in Advance
  7. Thanks guys. That definitely helped alot.
  8. Thanks for the replies guys. I really appreciate it. I will post some more up-close pics soon to see if I can squeeze ot any more help from yall. Thanks in advance.
  9. I am about to buy a very used honda 185s and I might re-upholster the seat. Can someone please tell me how to go about doing this. Thanks in advance.
  10. can someone send me a private message on how to reupholster a motorcycle seat.

  11. As far as making the laptop case I would use like a 2-3 oz veg tan leather. You can tool and dye and whatever else you want to do on it. To make is waterproof, first of all, make sure you dont have any large gaps. Then take all your parts (before sewing them, after tooling and dying) and put one even yer of Kiwi Camp Dry Mink oil, The spray on one even layer of Kiwi Camp dry Performance Fabric Protector. Link to Kiwi The cool part about the Kiwi camp dry Performance Fabric Protector is that if you are out in the woods, going through bushes and trees and the Kiwi gets scratched off, you can just spray more on. Its is also a clear product so yo can put it on all of your leather products that you want to be waterproofed and it wont change the color.
  12. Great for a first project!
  13. Jimbob, Thanks so much! That simple response helped me alot. So did the link. God bless!
  14. leaving to go to the rodeo! yeeeehaaa!

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