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  1. thanks for feedback- most of the better knife rolls actually have magnets sewn into the bag so that the knives don't fall out/move too much. If some elasticized type piece of material were over the handles of the knife, it would keep it nice and tight and from moving around as well. thoughts? here are some other examples of rolls that I like and would like to combine best features of each http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-21889767164414_2114_209776062 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BvF4NUrQAe4/Sm1ODETNDhI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/cDfhN0RSk_I/s1600-h/knife_roll_blynch.jpg http://www.mooreandgilesinc.com/shop/meehan-bar-rollup/
  2. I do not have plastic guards for my knives
  3. Hello all. I am looking to have something made for me to house my chef knives. I have found nothing that is of the quality that I am looking for, so am posting here in hopes that someone either knows where to get one or can customize one for me. The above link shows a sample knife roll that i'd like to have made, but with some customized tweaks. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
  4. Hello all you leather workers and enthusiasts. I am a professional chef looking for a custom made, high quality case for my knives similar to the one in the above link. I would like to customize it somewhat, but that is the general idea. Is there anybody out there interested in creating such a thing for me as i've not really found anything designed the way I would like. thanks
  5. Hello, I could probably sketch one up, but this is also a nice case- can you make such a thing, and maybe customize a bit. thanks Dean http://www.flickr.co...in/photostream/
  6. Hi, I have been looking for this saddleback leather "Knifejack" chef knife carrying case for over 5 years now. JB Prince used to carry it for $200. They told me it was made by a "one man show" individual leather craftsman. It was out of stock forever and then they just didn't have it anymore. I routinely check ebay for it and the web but can't find one anywhere and most recently can't even find anything about it at all not a picture, description, nothing. I am hoping by joining this forum that someone may know what it is, or who made it and how to contact him/her or possibly make it themselves. I am hoping to find one or have one made to surprise my husband who is a professional chef, hopefully before he turns 40. Thank you so much for reading.
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