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About NealzKustomz

  • Birthday 09/12/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Shelton, Wa
  • Interests

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Motorcycle related items, knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    holsters, vests and boots
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Standing Bears Traing Post

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  1. Thank you two for the reponses!! I have not used the tandy eco dyes, pretty much use feibings only. I have never used an airbrush before, so I think I will pick up a cheap one to try out and if that feels and looks right, then invest in a quality unit.
  2. Its been a while since I have done any leather work, but I am getting my supplies back out and gonna do some projects. I had been wanting to dye with an airbrush for awhile, and may just that with the next go around. I am looking for any and all recommendations for airbrush use. What dye do you use? Full stregnth or diluted? Why do you dilute with and ratio? Anything... thank you!!!
  3. My wife and I are headed for the the southern tip of Baja Mexico to spend the winter, and volunteer at a place down there rescuing sea turtle. I plan to take my leather working supplies with me and continue honing my skills. Does anyone know of a place in Mexico to purchase veg tanned leather. We are driving down, and plan to travel/ explore while we are down there, both the Baja and mainland Mexico, so location isn't the most important part.
  4. I too had searched for awhile with no luck. My son was taking metal shop in high school, so I had him knock a few out for me. I bought some steel rod, gave him some dimensions, he went to school and knocked out a few for me. You may be able to get your local high school shop teacher on board to do something similar. Good project for the kids to learn how to use the torch to heat and bend metal. Then just finish up the ends, paint them and your ready.
  5. A customer of mine asked me about fake leather. Him and his wife ide Harley's, he like leather, she doesn't (she doesn't want to "hurt or kill animals"). She likes the work I do, and they want to know if there is a toolable fake leather... I can't seem to find anything online, and thought I would ask the question here... So does anyone know of a fake leather, that can be carved and tooled the way real leather can? THANKS!!
  6. Hey All, Been browsing this site for a few months now, looks like a great group of knowledgable people, willing to answer questions. Beatiful work on here, too!!! Just figured I would chime in as a newbie. I made a checkbook cover for my wife as my first craft. Bought the kit from Tandy, and hope to do amazing things someday. I will have LOTS of questions soon, so please be bear with me..... I am looking to do carving, lacing, molding, etc. for motorcycles and hot rod stuff. Keep up the beatiful work!!
  7. welcome to the site,Tom..

  8. welcome to the site,Tom..

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