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  • Interests
    Leather, Bead embroidery, sewing

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  • Interested in learning about
    Belts, Masks, Instrument straps

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New Member (1/4)

  1. Look at that! I found a post earlier in the forum about the same issue...never mind.
  2. Hi all, I've been on this forum for a long time, but I've only been admiring other people's work. I've started my 1st real project and I'm driving my downstairs neighbors crazy! Their ceiling-banging is a sure sign of understandable annoyance. Has anyone else found a way to make beveling/tooling a bit more quiet?
  3. Soooo...are you saying that the boots you make don't hurt? That's pretty cool. One thing people (especially women) will pay big money for is shoes that don't hurt.
  4. Hi all, I am a beginner, beginner, beginner leather worker and I am looking for classes in Maryland (DC/Baltimore area). I used to go to Tandy in Baltimore, but they changed management and told me that they didn't have classes anymore. I am interested in making masks as well as decorative straps for instruments. I have lots of leather, but I don't want to waste it making mistakes from going forward without any guidance. If you know of any classes drop me a line! Thanks, Xmplrywmn
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