Joel, NO, NO, NO!! You have not offended me! You made an honest assement of what i presented in the picture! Mine was a feeble attempt to poke fun at myself. Now it seems I have to apologize to you for making you spend a day thinking you had offended me! Joel, You are alright!!! You can make camp at my fire ANYTIME!
This reminds me of a saying, "Everything I learned; I learned from the horse!" Some of you will know who said that, (the rest should find out!) We learn from each other how sensitive we each are, how callous, how polite or how mean through our little interactions. I've learned that Joel is an honorable Gentleman that says what he means and means what he says and will probably let you know in no uncertain terms when he means to offend so you don't have to guess! Hopefully he learned that I may kid around a bit too much but I have a little thicker skin than he was originally thinking and I am fairly hard to offend. I take constructive criticism well (or else I'd hate myself-my own 'worst critic')and if a person is telling it like it is, like Joel did, I have nothing to be upset about! I called myself a gunsel, I posted the picture knowing it was not "correct"! The horse is checked up and I was prepared for that criticism as well. I believe in and use that method some do not. I think it is important to understand fit, form and function! That is what Joel was talking about in his original response! Joel was correct! I'm not using the proper piece of gear in the picture. It is nice (and necessary) to have someone with enough knowledge of fit, form and function to be able to point these things out so we all can improve not just on our braiding technique but on our horsemanship because they are related ( like the egg and the Egg McMuffin )(I tend to ramble on a bit) (pretty birdee) (oh yeah I lose focus too)( and I like using paranthesis ) ( 4 syllables! )
Vaya con Dios, Alan