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Everything posted by 2CR

  1. Well I found a liqud mask fiskit at an art supply store. Tried it on a scrape an yeh this stuff works great! Now to get the black cherry color and things will be great
  2. OK thanks for the info I will be on the hunt! Neat lac is no longer available in Canada, not sure about saddle lac, I will check for that as well. I found a product called Bob Dively Model Aircraft Liquid Masking Film and a called a art store and they have a couple of things I will look at. The sale lady counld tell me if the products were ok for leather. Thanks again
  3. Where do I find liquid mask ? I havent had much luck with super sheen or the block out. I think I might not be putting on enough coats. Or maybe not drying it long enough?? Thank you for your help!
  4. Can I use Eco Flo Cova Color (white) on top of the Feibings Dye or will it just come off? I also have the feibings white dye, but I havent tried it yet. After reading old posts on here I am not sure I will ge the coverage needed. I am tooling the letters on the breast collor.
  5. I am starting a new project, Dark cherry color breast collar with White lettering. Iam new to the stain/ dying thing. I am planning on using oxblood and USMC black in an air sprayer. So would I be able to spray the peice then paint in the letters white? Or should I use a resist like block out or tan kote and if so what order would I do this in? Thanks:helpsmilie:
  6. What's on your mind? leather

    1. UKRay
    2. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      santa Claus belt...72" in length

  7. What's on your mind? leather

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