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Luke Hatley

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About Luke Hatley

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/13/1941

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  • Location
    Memphis Tn
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    18 TH century leather work- Buckskinning - SASS- Leather Repair.

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  1. check with Ohio Travel Bag.com I seem to recall they had some like that.
  2. Some folks have Problems with the USMC Black dye.....I only use the OIL dye....
  3. I'll second" thread exchange"
  4. Apply Neatsfoot oil, Let dry overnight, then APPLY FIEBINGS PRO OIL BLACK DYE...
  5. It's called Naughhide......Just cut & sew.. you can buy it at Hancoks or Jo ann Fabrics..
  6. Thanks Joe...I forgot the Punisher Fobs were in the Photo...
  7. Enjoyed making this for a Sweet Lady.
  8. Rub the inside of the Punches with Parafine it helps a lot...
  9. Wont work....you need to use Veg Tan leather,you need to visit a Leather shop such as Tandy to become familiar with the various leathers.
  10. Welcome to a Happy place...where in TN are you ?
  11. Get a Maul...you'll never go back..............
  12. My start was a Leather Visor...somewhere in the 60's. Bought a Visor Kit, one tool and a bottle of Omega Dye, at Tandy. Made my visor then about 15 more that summer. Then learned to do Basket Weave stamping , on the billfolds then on to belts. This has been a great Learning experience for me and enjoy it more than I ever did...
  13. I start mine on the billet end Then stich to where the buckle will go ...then stich the other side. You will be pulling 1/2 as much thread thru the stiching holes.
  14. Yes i started out with paper ....The customer liked it.
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