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Everything posted by EFLeathercraft

  1. Does anyone have any red moose hide they can spare? I have a really good customer that wants a strip of red moose attached to one of his orders I need a strip about 3’ long and 2-3” wide. I tried Hide House but they are all out of the Red Moose sides and never seen moose in red anywhere else. If anyone can sell me a strip or a side of red moose so I can complete this order that would be great. My customer also said he would settle for elk in red as well but I have never seen elk in red. Feel free to contact me off list at efleathercraft@gmail.com Thanks Evan
  2. Does anyone have any red moose hide they can spare? I have a really good customer that wants a strip of red moose attached to one of his orders I need a strip about 3' long and 2-3" wide. I tried Hide House but they are all out of the Red Moose sides and never seen moose in red anywhere else. If anyone can sell me a strip or a side of red moose so I can complete this order that would be great. My customer also said he would settle for elk in red as well but I have never seen elk in red. Feel free to contact me off list at efleathercraft@gmail.com Thanks Evan
  3. Does anyone know where I can get black kip sides I do a lot of braiding with wider strand using kip (thinner stands I use roo) and have had issues with black dye in the past and would like to get kip that is tannery died does anyone have a source for black kip sides. Thanks Evan
  4. Does anyone know how to tie this knot or is there a tutorial somewhere? And what is it called? http://www.midwestwhips.com/whip%20gallery/Whip%20Pictures/Custom%20Designs/Custom%20Signal%20Whips/slides/4ft%20Blue%20and%20Black%2020%20plait%20Signal%20with%20Box%20Pattern%20Knot%20E.html thanks Evan
  5. I am having a hard time finding #12 Lead Shot for my whips does anyone know where I can get some I need at least 5-10lbs Ballistics Products where I normally get it is out of stock and will not be getting any for a month or two but I have orders I have complete and restock for my next show. So I need it asap. Thanks for the help Evan
  6. I am trying to figure out how to make the loop at the end of a single tail whip to make the cracker replaceable can anyone explain how this is done? The links are pics of what I am trying to do. http://www.essentiawhips.co.uk/html/modernsignalwhips.html http://www.em-brand-whips.com/signalwhipics/cracker.jpg Thanks Evan
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