Here are the test results using plain water, baby shampoo and woolwash.
1-1/2 cups of warm water, 2 table spoon of baby shampoo Checked 1 hour later and sample still as hard as ever and was still floating. Checked again after a total of 4 hours some improvement but still pretty hard. Checked again after a total of 8-1/2 hours the sample seemed to have taken the water and was becoming reasonably supple. Put sample into a plastic bag and into the fridge.
1-1/2 cups of warm water, 1 table spoon of Wool Wash. This wool wash had as an additive some Eucalyptus oil. I figured that it would work the same as Listerine, maybe better. Checked after 1 hour still firm but not as hard as the sample above. the sample was no longer floating
Checked again after a total of 4 hours. Sample was supple and appeared to be thoroughly wet. Put sample in plastic bag and into fridge.
Need to try this with just a little Eucalyptus oil in plain water because it may be the Eucalyptus not the wool wash that improved the absorption.
Plain warm water. Sample was still quite firm after 8-1/2 hours but decided to put into plastic bag and into the fridge with other samples
Samples taken from fridge after 12 hours and set on the tomb stone to dry out. After 36 hours the samples had returned to normal colour. The plain water sample seems to have dried out the most and is the hardest. The shampoo and the wool wash samples are about the same as far as flexibility. I tried the swivel knife, beveller, back grounder and a large flower centre on each sample. I tried to use the same pressure on the knife and the same force on the mallet blows. Attached are my results. 1 means bad and 5 means good.
So this all means that the Shampoo and the wool wash are pretty even except that it takes way less time to get the water into the leather with wool wash than anything else I have tried so far and it seem to be a little better to work with.
I will try a sample with just Eucalyptus oil next to see how that goes.