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Everything posted by aspanol

  1. Hi, You mean a bolt on the flat bed? theres a screw.
  2. Hi all. I know this is a tough one but i am sure someone could help me here. I am looking for a edge guide for my 188k singer and was hoping if someone could help me with it. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi all, a friend of mine just gave me his singer 188k. I know its a old machine not really designed for heavy leather. I am just wondering, whats the maximum weight of leather that it can go through without having big problems and also whats the maximum thread that it will take. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi guys, wondering if anyone knows any good place in bangkok for leather/silver supplies! Tools,hardware,leather maybe?
  5. Hey thanks all for the replies, just wondering if there is any of this item on ebay on sale. that would be much better. have been looking for days!
  6. What exactly is this called and do anyone have an online link on where to get it other than ohio travel! Thanks in advance!
  7. Can anyone tell me what is this called and where i could get it?
  8. Thats exactly what i do. Sometimes, its just so hard to get it wide enough though.
  9. No idea how the rest did it but i if there's a opening, i just pried it open put it in and knock it back later. Works for me though. Haha
  10. Sounds like you might just need more courage! most of the belts that i am doing are just raw untreated belt and burnishing are NOT NEEDED. Therefore, i took in the order. Also, about the hole punching. Its always good to learn more from other craftsmen regarding the way and method they used to gauge the length to punch hole. Well, learning doesn't stop at anytime. You might be a great tattoo artist, but you would definitely want to learn more from other better tattoo artist that have way more experience and are much talented than you.Would love to see some works from you though. Lastly, i do sell them at a pretty low price. So ya, maybe this could "help" you in some ways.
  11. Hi all, i am doing a few orders for custom belts and small leather goods. i am just wondering, how should i package the item? Was thinking of using those brown paper bag, but do anyone have any other ideas or things they use to package the item? Thanks!
  12. Hi all! Lets say i am denim size 32". From the tip to the middle hole, what should the length be? 32" too?
  13. Hi all! Was wondering, How do i burnish the edge till like this? What is item is needed? i have read bob park's finishing edge. However,i don't really get what item is used to wax. Is it like the guide, using saddle soap or glycerin bar soap? Many thanks!
  14. Making a round awl into a diamond awl. Anyone tried before or know what to do! please let me know!
  15. what is the secret to stitching straight? Does the groover makes the stitching straight?If so, what if we are using other leather not tooling leather?
  16. What to do with 4mm width strips? Anyone got any suggestions? Other than braiding!
  17. i am trying some chocolate since thats the only available item at home. Shall wait till see the effect.
  18. i saw this camera case on this magazine. Was wondering how to make it. Do anyone have any idea? Sorry that i post like 10000 Qn. This is seriously the best place to answer my doubts!
  19. Dying leather with natural materials. Have anyone tried dying with coffee or stuff like that? Maybe some green tea? !
  20. I am actually thinking of ordering this leather to make wallets. Would it be good? I am thinking of making something like this Thanks!
  21. Thanks pete. I would love to get some books! However, i don't live in the states. I actually live in this small country known as singapore. We have ZERO ACCESS to leather crafting and that sucks. Therefore, my only teachers are you guys! i really learned a lot from you guys though! Thanks!!
  22. <br /><br /><br />I do get what you mean but what tools are we talking about to do the gouge?
  23. "make sure to put in a shallow gouge line inside" how do you do that?
  24. Maybe use something like a creaser?
  25. How to flatten after folding the leather for card cases? Iron it? let me know the various methods!
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