Hi guys,
I'm new here, a horse owner, and owner of a custom made Wade saddle for myself. I will just interject a couple of thoughts that may not even be relevant, but there ya go ....
On the original topic, I kind of liken it to art. If you're a master saddlemaker, you are an artist. No one will EVER do your art exactly as you do, though the very basics may be similar. The concept will always come from your own mind, as any artist knows. So a competition in that way seems silly. Do you see oil painting aritsts hiding away how to basically oil paint so that no one can compete with them? What each individual does with any specific information is really up to them, and will only reflect back on you, the teacher, if they either do it poorly (without good enough instruction) or well enough to someday be considered an artist in their own right. Even if the student only turns out to be a moderately decent one, still a reflection. Maybe that as well was part of the secrecy; teachers didn't think they could impart the info well enough to help turn out a new gen of good makers?
on another note, though there are MANY wonderfully crafted saddles out there from creative makers, there are a finite amount of people who can AFFORD an art made saddle. I am NOT one of those LOL I had a moderately talented saddler make mine for a price I could afford. It's not everything I could want, but it's good enough. I think there's more room for a moderately talented person in a working art form than a master anymore, sad to say.
That said, I hope that anyone who has a passion for what they do can feel joy in sharing what they do and how they do. No one will ever be just like you and have your ideas.