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  1. scotch-brite sponge? How many uses to you get out of it? Are you able to brush on an even coating that way?
  2. I guess I'll have to ask the leather suppliers if they put heat packs in with orders that have an acrylic sealer. Though my nearest Tandy is an hour away.
  3. Do you mean sheep skin pieces that still have hair on it? What about the fake wool stuff they sell as that is easy to get.
  4. I couldn't really do a dip die as my pieces are 12"x12" wide. So, just too much dye needed for dip die method. Though, I only use Pro Oil black, so easier to get a more even coverage since it's black.
  5. I came across this foam roller at Wal-Mart in the hobby section. The foam is 3/8" thick on one side. Might could do well as a way to dye larger pieces of leather. Though may lose die to the foam unless you could squish it out and back into the bottle via a funnel. But will experiment using it to spread a thin layer of pure neats foot oil on the grain side a day or so after dying: Hello Hobby 2 Pc Foam Paint Brush Set with Handle, 2.25" - Walmart.com
  6. Junior: Pregnancy ultrasound HD CLIP - YouTube
  7. It’s not armor. Just leather prop replicas with spots and some spikes. I’ve already used eco Flo satin sheen that worked fine 10 years on. Will experiment cutting it 50/50 with water. I use pro dye, so less chance of dye rub off.
  8. I don’t think I’ve been belligerent. I just don’t know how many ways I can politely decline to use a particular product that has nothing to do with this thread. Mop and Glo seems to be treated as a religion though. People are free to use it if they want.
  9. I'm not being defensive when I'm forced to repeat myself over and over again that I'm not going to use Mop and Glo when people keep talking about it after I said I'm not going to use it 3rd post into this thread. I think some here are treating Mop and Glo like a religion. And I don't have a reason to believe something like Eco Flo Satin Sheen is the same thing as Mop and Glo. Because they aren't really the same product as they are made up of different chemicals for different purposes. Just because both have acrylic in it doesn't mean they're the same thing. What "natural finish" do you use, or do you mean you don't put a finish on it? My products are arm and shoulder gauntlets that you tie off via paracord through grommets and have spots and spikes and other things on them.
  10. Then what exactly is the problem if I use Eco Flo Satin Sheen since you believe it's Mop and Glo in disguise?
  11. I was searching around the forum and saw someone mention a company called Alpha 6. They sell a few different types of sealers that are "matte". I'll probably contact them to figure out what the differences are between their different matte topcoats and may order one to try. If it is a true "matte" and not kind of glossy like Angelus Matte Finisher. AlphaKrylik Matte Topcoat 8oz ⋆ Alpha 6 Corporation AlphaFlex Matte Topcoat 8oz ⋆ Alpha 6 Corporation
  12. Did you ever get this figured out? I see you posted this in January. Did you buy any chance order this during the winter and had it shipped to you? I've read warnings that if these products freeze, then they may be ruined. So I have no idea how places like Tandy's orders this stuff, unless they stockpile in the fall to cover the winter.
  13. I'm thinking of getting a 3oz empty flip top bottle from Walmart. And use a syringe to remove 1oz of Eco Flo Satin Sheen and inject it into the empty bottle along with 1oz of distilled water. Shake it and run some tests to compared to Eco Flo Satin Sheet full strength. I may also buy a bottle of Angelus Matte Finisher and try out a 50/50 distilled water mix with that too. Has anyone done a 50/50 distilled water mix with Eco Flo Satin Sheen or Angelus Matte Finisher? I assume it wouldn't be any different than when people do a 50/50 mix of Resolene and water?
  14. Well, technically, aren't I already using Mop and Glo by some other's logic? I already have a new bottle of Eco Flo Satin Sheen, same as I used last time, which some say is just rebranded Mop and Glo. So, haven't I been using Mop and Glo the entire time then? I do plan to do a test where I cut Eco Flo Satin Sheen with 50/50 distilled and see what that does. Though I usually see people recommending the cutting with Resolene.
  15. I think I'll do a test where I mix Eco Flo Satin sheen 50/50 with distilled water like what people do with Resolene and see what that does. I've used Eco Flo Satin Sheen 100% in the past with good results, but had wanted to try some other things when I ordered more dye. Which I went ahead and ordered more dye.
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