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About buckaroo93

  • Birthday 06/29/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Vermilion AB.
  • Interests
    Cowboy gear,cowboying,vaquero style horsemanship,traditional gear

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  • Interested in learning about
    tooling and building saddles

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  1. Thanks Steve, will check into them. Wyndelle And thanks for the offer Pete, how does that cut compared to a steel blade? And how wide is it? Wyndelle
  2. Hello I'm looking for someplace to buy double edge swivel knife blades other then Tandy or if someone has a used one they want to sell? Thanks Wyndelle
  3. Thanks I appreciate the info. Thats kind of down the lines i was thinking, except one older gentleman I had the priviledge of building a rig with said all you had to do was glue it and it would last but it just seemed kind of cheap and production line like. Wyndelle
  4. Thanks a lot Bob. A quick question on doing a cheyenne roll, do you glue and stitch through the whole roll or do you stitch the top edge and just glue it on? Or maybe there is a thread on cheyenne rolls someplace. Thanks Wyndelle
  5. Thanks a lot Bob. Ya its kind of ironic, those jockeys was one thing that was 'not gona happen' but of course it did. The guy who ordered it was happy with it and he lives 20 hrs away from me so I geuss I wont be able to straighten that up to easy but I'm working on another one now that i'll make pretty sure its flat. The next one i'm building has square skirts, is it a good idea to round the skirts up where the stirrup hangs or is that not a big deal if the skirt is straight across the bottom. Thanks, Wyndelle
  6. Ya that work looks good,one thing I like to do tho is to rivet the belt loop on because I've found that the thread tends to wear out sooner, just a suggestion and something I prefer. Keep up the good work! Wyndelle
  7. Another pair of chaps just left the shop!

  8. Just some more pics of the same rig.
  9. This is my 3rd saddle, the second one I have done by myself. Its a Rod Nikkel tree, its a 17'' seat 3 by 5 1/2'' finished horn cap with a 30 degree slant, 5'' cantle, 93 degree bars,9'' swell. All brass hardware and 5'' brass bound bell stirrups. This rig still has quite a few flaws on it, so any suggestions and advice is welcome. Thanks for looking.
  10. Hey I have an order to build my first pair of rodeo chaps and I was wondering if I needed to beef them up anywhere versus to a pair of chinks or armitas? Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks.
  11. Just cowboying it up!

  12. Just by modifying a pair of chink patterns a bit, you can come up with pretty decent armitas. Wyndelle
  13. Hey that looks realy awesome. Keep up the good work!
  14. @ Steve. Thanks for the suggestion,I think it would work but I was hoping to have the button come through the chap body so you could see it, it would replace the concho then to. @ Sundance. Thanks Sundance, do you think that the hole would get to big and when the button was put through and pulled snug it would pull the leather enough to reveal the button whole?!? I'll try some on some scraps and see.
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