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Everything posted by buckaroo93

  1. Hey,sorry I'm so slow to reply but we're kind of busy here with the Cmas season and all. I have built some chaps,spur straps,cuffs,headstall and other small stuff like wallets,checkbooks,belts. Pretty much all I have done is for myself or family I have done a few custom items for other people but I would like to get more into it. I'm also planning to build a saddle in the future and would appreciate suggestions on where I could get a kit or a list of stuff that I would need. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL
  2. Ok thanks I'll take a look at them.
  3. Hey I'm looking to build a saddle sometime and I was wondering where I could get a kit,not a pre-punched and cut kit but a kit that has all the leather and tree and whatever else I need to build a saddle. I thought maybe that would be a good starter and then I would know what to get for the next one. And the tree has to be a slickfork hardwood tree.
  4. Hey everybody I'm new to the forum and I hope to learn something. I do some cowboying and make my own gear and realy enjoy leatherworking especialy the tooling.
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