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About Saint

  • Rank
  • Birthday January 31

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Palm Bay, Florida
  • Interests
    .....just another new guy looking for tips

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Buying tools and leather and then trying to figure out what I am doing!
  • Interested in learning about
    building leather motorcycle seats
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search

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  1. well I am new to all of this, I am doing the basic stuff, tooling belts, key chains, making simple motorcycle bags etc. Now I am setting up a VENDERS BOTH on the 20th of THIS MONTH!!! and have NOTHING MADE! Well I have a couple of days... this should be fun... I also have never set up a both before... any advise? :-)

    1. Saint


      and that would be BOOTH... wish I could spell too!

    2. bentley


      Never done a booth but they say take lots of small items that sell for a couple bucks and bring 10 times the cost of the booth ($100 booth = $1000 worth of merchandise). Planning on trying a booth this winter in Arizona.

    3. Nooj


      Take a pic album of your work, for stuff u don't have time to make, and maybe you'll get some orders. And price tags- unless u enjoy hearing "how much is this?" hundreds of times a day. Good luck!

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