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Everything posted by undie

  1. How long are rifle scabbard hanger straps normally? I have been all over the internet and cant find it mentioned anywhere. The best i can get out of the piece of leather i have left is 40", would that be enough? Thanks richard U.
  2. Thanks everyone, I just made a new one and eliminated a couple areas i didn't like on the other one. The new one looks good and i may save the other until a day i dont have anything going and cut it apart,
  3. I put together a holster for a Springfield Armory handgun and had just finished sewing it all up. It has been carved, initialed, dated, and logo put onand then i noticed i didnt sew around the stiffener band on the top edge of the front panel. I am down to junking three days work or figuring out how to get it apart. It is glued with contact cement and sewed. any advice is welcome and you can even call me "Dumb A## for missing it. i guess your not supposed to work on three at the same time.. Thanks Richard U.
  4. I have to make two 18" leather slings for two little girls rifles- Chipmunk 22cals. All the leather i have is heavy and stiff veg tanned 9/10 oz. i dont have any way to thin it down and no time to order more. I think i can get by with the thickness if i can get it softened up. Is this possible and how. thanks..... Undie.
  5. I'm new to the leather world and have a question. I am into making molded holsters, and they need to be stiff to hold hold the weapon, if i use Neetsfoot oil lightly will it soften up the leather or just condition it? I use 50/50 Mop and Glow for my finish and like the results I would hate to go to all the work to get one to fit well and then loose the necessary stifness because of the oil. Also can i buy Neetsfoot oil from the local hardware store as long as its 100% neetsfoot oil. thanks in advance for any help, Richard U[
  6. Thanks Comano ridge: I think my stich line may be too far from the triger guard and the underside of the gun. I just remolded it. we'll see if it works now. I have stitched a couple that were so tight the gun wouldnt even fit in the holster to try to mold. i try to allow 1/2 the thickness plus a little extra but this time i went by a tutural on a holster site and it may have been to far out. I dont have pictures. thanks again "Undie"
  7. Thanks for all the information but i have a problem that is not mentioned here. I am using 9/10oz leather and making a holster for a S&W Shield 9mm. my problem is the leather has a tendancy to spring back and loosen up after i mold it. It looks good but its fits loose and will not hold the weight of the gun upside down. i always have to do it the second time to tighten it up. Any help would be apreciated. Thanks Richard
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