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Everything posted by Olivier

  1. Thanx for the warm welcome guys. Dave, it's more like "anderkant die berg" ;-). Are there anybody close to me that you know of? It will be rather nice to have a professional close by that can coach me.
  2. Just dropping in to say hi. My name is Andries Olivier and I live in Lydenburg, South Africa. I'm a knifemaker and joined up here to learn how to make proper sheaths because at this stage my sheaths does not compliment the knives I put in them. Judging from what I see here I'm sure I came to the right place.
  3. I might be interested too since I've been wanting to make a rondel dagger for quite a while now. I attached a pic of something I made earlier this year just to prove that I do make knives.....and stuff.
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