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Posts posted by gaRYW5

  1. I have problem with the light blue dye comeing out dark blue on my projects. I've thinned it to almost to 50% with same results. Do I need to prep leather with something first?

    I have problem with the light blue dye comeing out dark blue on my projects. I've thinned it to almost to 50% with same results. Do I need to prep leather with something first?

    I'm useing Fiebings dye and reducer.

  2. I use this black poly stuff, I got it from a construction company, they use it to line their rock hoppers. It's 1/2in. thick,this piece was left over scrap. Works great for cutting, the knife glides right over it with little drag. If you want more info e-mail me at gvonheeder@optimum.net


  3. Is it possible to modify a standard flat edge beveller to a curved one - could I attack it with a small round needle file or will I just end up killing it forever?

    Heck go for it. Won't know if you don't try it. I buy the Tandy tools and try grinding curved sides straight so they will work in different places.

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