The Tandy kit I believe you're referring to comes with a red modeling tool with a stylus on one end and a spoon on the other. If this is the one then you need to use sandpaper (as previously recommended) or a regular knife sharpening stone to round the edges a little. I don't believe it's supposed to have double duty as an awl as it's too dull for that. Now, it can be used to help enlarge some holes and even do a little stippling on the leather and that won't be affected by a little rounding on the end. The tracing paper that comes with the kit is not the greatest but it can be used successfully as a temporary measure. Just as was said above watch your casing and make sure the leather is showing signs of 'returning' to it's natural color (slightly) before you trace and use only the pressure needed to get an imprint (lift a corner of the tracing paper and have a look!). You'll soon want better tracing film (I use Tandy's tracing film successfully) and some better tools and technique, but not to worry, with practice and study you'll be successful.